
WebDevelopmentAid Blavatar

WebDevelopmentAid is a Switzerland-based non-profit web development agency. We see web development as development aid. By designing websites for small business owners in developing countries WebDevelopmentAid helps to promote their products and services on the World Wide Web.

What We Do

In close collaboration with our clients, WebDevelopmentAid develops web strategies that include the branding and the (re-)design of their website. If our clients are willing to invest their time, we also help with the implementation of social media strategies.

Whenever possible we use free, open-source software so that our clients can maintain their website independently.

What We Don’t

We are neither professional web developers nor professional marketing agents; therefore, we can’t guarantee for anything.

WebDevelopmentAid is a side-project. We don’t have the capacities to provide for long-term, time-consuming maintenance.

What We Expect

We expect our clients to strive for outstanding products and services as we strive to do the best we can on our part. We think that the design of the website should match the products and services showcased on it. There is no use in putting lipstick on the proverbial pig.

We would love to see our clients to become interested and knowledgeable in web development themselves so that they can assist their family and friends when need be. Nothing is more satisfying for us than to become obsolete.

And finally we encourage our clients’ competitors to get inspired. We know it is not fair that we decide to support one business and cannot support others. This is why we at WebDevelopmentAid use free, open-source software whenever possible so that a competitor might use our work as a template for their own business.